nginx报错:./configure: error: SSL modules require the OpenSSL library. You can either

nginx报错:./configure: error: ssl modules require the OpenSSL library. You can either


原因:未安装 ngx_http_ssl_module 模块


#执行命令查看nginx是否安装了 ngx_http_ssl_module
/app/nginx/sbin/nginx -V

#出现以下内容则说明未安装 ngx_http_ssl_module
nginx version: nginx/1.18.0
built by g*** 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44) (G***) 
configure arguments: --prefix=/app/nginx

cd /install/nginx/nginx-1.18.0
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nginx
./configure --with-http_ssl_module
#/configure: error: SSL modules require the OpenSSL library.
#You can either do not enable the modules, or install the OpenSSL library into the system, or build the OpenSSL library statically from the source with nginx by using --with-openssl= option.
yum install openssl openssl-devel -y
#安装完成后再次执行./configure --with-http_ssl_module

make && make install

/usl/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -V

#nginx version: nginx/1.18.0
#built by g*** 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44) (G***) 
#configure arguments: --prefix=/usr/local/nginx --user=nginx --group=nginx --with-http_stub_status_module

mv /app/nginx/sbin/nginx /app/nginx/sbin/nginx-bak
cp /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx /app/nginx/sbin/nginx

/app/nginx/sbin/nginx -c /app/nginx/conf/nginx.conf
CSS教程_站长资源网 » nginx报错:./configure: error: SSL modules require the OpenSSL library. You can either


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