哪位大侠知道异业营销、异业联盟的英文是什么?(使用异业联盟运营活动英文, 异业联盟英语怎么说)

inter-circle alliance


  1. 哪位大侠知道异业营销、异业联盟的英文是什么?
  2. 异业联盟翻成英文怎么说
  3. 同业联盟的英文


inter-circle marketing

inter-circle alliance




Not only within the same industries , but also across industry borders for better mutual support and cooperation

不只是 同业联盟 ,还要异业联盟,相互支援合作。

Noting the thc of hong kong was the highest in the world , members enquired about the ponents of the calculation of thc and raised query whether a cartel was formed to control thc

委员察悉,香港的货柜码头处理费是全球最高昂的,并询问货柜码头处理费所涵盖的各种收费及计算方法,以及质疑有否成立"卡特尔"即 同业联盟 以控制货柜码头处理费。

Itpc will function as intermediary in organizing and promoting technology transfer activities with particular emphasis on energy and environmental technologies and innovations . efforts will be made to enhance promotion of technology business pnkages and partnerships , exchange of experiences , technology identification and needs asses *** ent , technology information databases and dissemination , consultant services and training , and institutional working

Itpc重要功能之一是催化与桥梁作用,即重点组织推介能源与环境技术与创新领域的技术转让活动,努力扶持技术合作与 同业联盟 经验交流技术识别和需求配对技术信息数据库与推广,开展咨询服务和人员培训,并发展业务网络。

Drawing on the experience of other jurisdictions , she addresses a wide range of enforcement issues , including how to tackle cartels , abuses of dominance , vertical agreements , joint ventures and mergers , the need for a leniency regime and criminal sanctions , and the importance of an independent enforcement agency and the economic expertise of enforcement officials

她会参照世界各地不同司法地区的经验,从而讨论广泛的执行问题,包括如何打击 同业联盟 滥用市场支配力量纵向协议企业合并和收购是否需要一套宽松的制度或刑事制裁方法,以及设立一个独立的执法机构和让执法人员熟悉经济运作的重要性。


CSS教程_站长资源网 » 哪位大侠知道异业营销、异业联盟的英文是什么?(使用异业联盟运营活动英文, 异业联盟英语怎么说)


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