动物园规则英语10条?(zencart 谷歌feed插件 ,谷歌feed开启)

  1. 动物园规则英语10条?


In order to ensure that your visit is enjoyable for you, please observe the following Zoo rules:

1.No pets are allowed at the zoo.

2.No feeding animals of the zoo.

3.No alcoholic beverages are permitted to be brought into the zoo.

4.Smoking is prohibited in the zoo.

5.No climing on the barriers, walls, fences, trees, etc.

6.Balloons are prohibited into the zoo.

7.Bicycles, scooters, skateboards are prohibited in the zoo.

8.Ball games are prohibited in the zoo

9. Don't feed animals or throw food at them.

10.Don't cross safety bars it lines enclosed for elephants.

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