990-33产品经理:Seven Principles of Testing 测试的七项原则

A***ording to International Software Testing Qualification Board there are seven principles that should be considered when developing the testing strategy for a software project/product.
根据国际软件测试资格认证委员会(International Software Testing Qualification Board)的说法,在开发软件项目/产品的测试策略时,应该考虑七个原则。

1) Testing shows presence of defects 1)测试显示存在缺陷

By testing you can show presence of defects in a product but you can never prove that the product under test is defect free. The testing strategy should focus on clustering the defects in order to reduce the residual risk of the software to a minimum but, even if no defects are found, it is not a proof of correctness.

2) Exhaustive testing is impossible 2)穷举测试是不可能的

Testing all possible scenarios (all ***binations of preconditions and inputs) is not feasible. Techniques like risk analysis should be used to prioritize and focus the testing efforts.

3) Early testing

The testing activities should be started as early as possible during the software or system development life cycle. The cost to fix a bug increases exponentially if the bug is found in a later phase of the development life cycle. The testing activity shall be focused on defined objectives.

4) Defect clustering

The density of modules should be used to decide where to focus the testing effort. Usually a small number of modules contains most of the defects. That is why, in order to have an efficient test strategy, this areas of the software should be explored in more details by the testing strategy.

5) Pesticide paradox

The test cases should be reviewed and updated on regular basis. New tests should be developed to exercise new parts of the software or system. If this is not done and the same tests are repeated again and again eventually no new bugs will be found, but this does not mean that the system is defect free. Testing should focus on continuous improvement during the ***plete development life cycle.

6) Testing is context dependent

Different kind of systems are tested in a different way. A safety critical system like an automotive or aircraft ECU will be tested more extensively than a presentation website of a ***pany.

7) Absence – of – errors fallacy

In short words: if a systems does not fulfill the user needs and expectations then having a bug free system does not help. Functional testing and a deep understanding of the customer expectations is a must during the development life cycle.

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